"Tom pondered this for a moment before answering, "If the blood was from a bar fight, the bartender or another patron surely would have called us. If someone, or a lot of someones, had been shot, there would have been calls reporting gunfire; this isn't exactly a secluded area. The parking lot is nearly full but there have been no signs of activity. That means that there are a lot of people still in there and they're not making any attempt to leave even though the bar was due to close for the. John put the coin in his hand and then put them behind his back, Jules had now lent back on the sofa, from Johns position it was now possible for him to glimpse up Jules’s dress, revealing her naked pussy, she must have removed them when she went to the bathroom earlier, John kept shuffling the coin whilst gazing at Jules’s smooth exposed pussy, noticing this, Jules opened her legs slightly giving him an unhindered view of her pussy, having also noticed what was happening, Dan who was sat next. It roared, engulfed by lust, and the feel of the man-ass.George almost passed out. The multiple shocks of the bear suddenly appearing, his savagely being buggered by the same creature, and the worst shock of all, the pleasure that wouldn't go away, and in fact was growing with each thrust, probably saved his life, for even though the creature curved a paw around his stiffening penis, jerking him off in time to it's thrusts, and it nibbled gently on an earlobe, these were done only to heighten. She was very wet. She grabbed his hardening cock and pulled his zip down so she could feel the flesh. A few others in the drunken close packed mob saw what was happening. One or two men took advantage of the couples preoccupation and put their hands up the girls skirt and felt her arse and fingered her from behind. She didn’t really notice, what with feeling her lovers cock, him feeling her pussy, the music and the crush of people. Shortly afterwards they decided to leave. They went outside.
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